Welcome to Our District!

Commemorating the 207th Anniversary of Capitular Masonry in Ohio

We are immensely pleased to have the present Grand High Priest, Most Excellent Companion Ryan W. Adams, as a distinguished member of our district. We also take great pride in acknowledging R. Joseph Shilling, who serves as the Grand Royal Arch Captain. To delve deeper into the rich history and ongoing activities of Capitular Masonry in Ohio, please click the link below.

Most Excellent Companion Ryan W. Adams.

Grand High Priest's Theme for the Year


Honor the Past Look To The Future

How to Join

You must first be a member of a 'Blue Lodge'. If you are not already a Freemason visit the Grand Lodge of Ohio's Website to find out more. If you are a Freemason visit your local Chapter to petition. If you need to find your local chapter, visit the Grand Chapter website by clicking Here."

What is Royal Arch Masonry?

Royal Arch Masonry is considered as the capstone to your Masonic journey. It is deemed the "Supreme Degree" and the completion of the Master Mason degree. But why? As a Master Mason, due to the u.d. of our G.M.H.A. you are presented with substituted Ss. The Temple is incomplete. The story and the journey itself has not reached its conclusion, leaving the Master Mason with unresolved questions. In the Royal Arch capitular system, the Mark Master Mason degree is deemed the completion of the Fellowcraft degree within a lodge, the Most Excellent Master, also taking place in a lodge, discovers he has come to the end of Craft symbolism with a beautiful ceremony of dedication, but providing that question of "what’s next?" What’s next is Capitular Masonry with the Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem where the candidate is presented with rich, beautiful, and colourful symbolism steeped in ancient knowledge, and encompassed in the long historical journey of the Israelites leading to a Great Discovery. Brothers become Companions as a deeper title to signify the bonds of experiencing a toilsome yet rewarding journey together. So why Royal Arch Masonry then? That’s for you to discover, but we can tell you it’s one that no Master Mason has regretted doing.